Year: 2006

  • What If?

    by Jason Stotts What if one day a philosopher is born who is able to answer all of the “eternal questions” of philosophy, would he be revered or hated? What if this philosopher provided irrefutable proofs for all of his arguments and left no hole or weakness? Would he be believed or would he be…

  • The Superficiality of Diversity

    by Jason Stotts The proponents of diversity, common though they are, are uncommon in one aspect – each and every one of them is completely superficial. Now it’s not as though superficial people are rare; it’s unfortunately all too common trait. Yet to imagine that a whole superficial ideology strains ones credulity, at least it…

  • All Women are Sluts

    by Jason Stotts My younger brother once told me, echoing the sentiments of my disowned father, that all women are sluts. This is, surprisingly enough, a true statement – to the extent of his knowledge. My brother Wes, like his blackguard father, is an amoral hedonist. Their goal in life is to indulge their whims,…

  • A Brief Confrontation

    by Jason Stotts “You’ll learn. Oh, one of these days, you’ll learn.” She said it as if speaking across the experiential gap that divides children and adults. “What is it that I should learn, mother?” He said it simply, inquisitively. The question was more directed to understand her motive than her position. “You’ll learn,” her…

  • Comprehension of the Bestial?

    by Jason Stotts Sometimes I wonder, in a real human way, what drives men to become bestial. In a dry academic sense, I know the answer. The answer is manifold, but uncomplicated. The simplest way to put it is that they have never learnt how to become men. But that doesn’t satisfy my curiosity on…

  • Isn’t it Interesting?

    by Jason Stotts Some men are wealthy, some men are poor. My uncle is of the former, I myself am as of yet of the latter. Yet one day he gave me advice which I have never forgotten and which, were it to be loosed upon men, would change the very world – that is,…

  • Recently at Easton

    by Jason Stotts I was at Easton recently and while waiting in line at Starbucks, I overheard a conversation which disturbed me. There was a girl in front of me in a rather long line, due to some incompetent elderly folks and their inability to order, and she was talking on her cell phone. Now…

  • Holidays: Altruism’s Corruption of the Holy

    by Jason Stotts Last night I had my initial “screening” with some of M.’s friends – I had already met Elisa, so I was meeting both Connie and Laura for the first time. They seem like really nice people, albeit confused. This was particularly evident with Connie, who during the course of conversation mentioned that…