Month: June 2007

  • Aporia: Threesomes

    by Jason Stotts I’ve long been interested in the moral ramifications of a threesome and for just as long I have been unable to come to any firm judgement on the issue. Frankly, as I sit down to write this, I have no idea if a threesome is moral or not; which is not really…

  • Le Finale

    I am officially joining forces with my girlfriend M. to start a new blog named Erosophia. The idea is that with two authors, the blog will be published to more frequently. Also, we are very unified in our philosophical positions, so a fan of one of us will likely like the other as well –…

  • Just Money

    by Jason Stotts Today, money is no longer understood. Few understand why saying “it is just money” epitomizes decadence. Money is merely thought of as a tool of value commensuration: a means of equalizing disparate goods through a common standard. It is this, but also so much more. When I work, I trade my time…

  • The Capitalist Machine

    by Jason Stotts I’ve often heard people talk about the “capitalist machine”, about “gods and clods”, about “unnecessary jobs”, and about ignoble enslavement to the “system”. But frankly, I have no idea what this means. Capitalism is the misnomer, coined by Karl Marx, for the only moral system of production in human history. If we…