Month: March 2008

  • The Metaphysical Impossibility of god

    by Jason Stotts If you grant the principle that ex nihilo, nihil fit (from nothing, nothing comes) then you are necessarily atheist.  No matter what other attributes you predicate of a god, the most important is that of the “creator”.  Yet, if nothing can come from nothing, then this god could not have created everything:…

  • Exclusivity and Love

    by Jason Stotts It is today a common assumption that true romantic love requires exclusivity. Many different people, including Ayn Rand and Aristotle, argue that by having multiple lovers one would run into one of three major problems: 1. One would dilute one’s love such that no love that one had could be considered true…

  • New “Global Warming” Conference

    by Jason Stotts There was recently a new kind of conference held concerning “global warming”, one that’s actually concerned with finding out the facts of what’s going on.  Here’s some brief excerpts from their mainpage: Are the scientists and economists who ask these questions just a fringe group, outside the scientific mainstream? Not at all.…

  • Vote or Die

    by Jason Stotts As a man of reason, I am vitally interested in seeing certain changes come about in the world. However, given that I am only one person, there is only so much that I can do right now. Yet, fortunately, that little bit is enough to make a difference. One highly underrated thing…