Month: June 2009

  • My Life

    by Jason Stotts As I die, I want to be able to look back on my life, And say, My life was its own reason for being. I want, To know that every breath had a purpose And that The purpose was self-chosen and self-consecrated. Never, Shall my life be a means to another’s ends,…

  • mr. deity

    by Jason Stotts For those of you who want to understand the god of the bible better and the story behind the book of books, I present you with mr. deity.

  • Objectivism and Sexuality

    by Jason Stotts On Sunday I delivered my first public philosophy lecture on sexuality to the Ohio Objectivist Society (OOS). The title of the talk was “Objectivism and Sexuality: an Inquiry into the Underlying Operations”. All in all, I think the talk went very well. The group had some good questions afterword and we spent…

  • Recovering Religionists

    by Jason Stotts In case you’ve been religious for a while and you need help extricating yourself from the layers of irrationality, a new group “Recovering Religionists” is here to help. Check out their description below and their website (via Dawkins) ———————————— If you are one of the millions of people who have determined…

  • Another Failure of Religion

    by Jason Stotts In case we need another example of the irrationality of religion, let’s take a look at this new study: “More Religious and Devout Young Women Have Abortions (Despite being Educated in Religious Schools).” Now, obviously the irrationality that I mean is that abstinence-only education does not work! These women have been indoctrinated…

  • The Map of Human Sexuality

    by Jason Stotts I recently came across the “Map of Human Sexuality,” which is a large poster that details pretty much every human sexual activity and fantasy. If you’re thinking that that’s quite a lot, you’re right. In fact, there were some on there that I had never even heard of! It appears that people…

  • Objectivist Blog Carnival

    Welcome to the June 4, 2009 edition of the Objectivist Round Up! This is the second time Erosophia has hosted and we’re really excited to be hosting this week. For those of you who do not know, Objectivism is the Philosophy of Ayn Rand. When asked one time to explain it “while standing on one…