Month: July 2011

  • No More “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

    by Jason Stotts One oft he very few things that I think Obama has done right since he’s been in office is to work to repeal the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) policy of discriminating against non-heterosexuals in the military.  Yesterday, he officially signed the certification that will completely end DADT in 60 days.…

  • Formspring: When is Sex Appropriate?

    by Jason Stotts I’ve received another question from Formspring, this one about when it’s appropriate to have sex. When is it an appropriate time in a relationship to have sex? How do you know when one should? I have very little experience in this arena (I’m a 20 year old male in college), and don’t…

  • Bisexual Invisibility and Coming Out Bi

    by Jason Stotts In a recent column, Dan Savage argues that more bisexuals should come out of the closet so that they can be out in the open as part of society and can live their lives with integrity as who they really are.  I fully agree with Dan about this point.  All too many…

  • Sex Tips #11: Adapt and Overcome

    by Jason Stotts When we were young and imagined what sex might be like some day, I’m sure we all imagined that it would go perfectly. That things would just magically happen and everything would just work. However, those of us who have had sex before know that sometimes things don’t go as planned. Sometimes…

  • Polyamory is Wrong!

    by Jason Stotts I saw this come across the twitter earlier today (via @kellyelmore79) and several people were kind enough to forward it to me as well. I think it’s one of the best things I’ve seen in awhile. I share this etymological worry myself.  As I said in “On Polysexuality“: What I am interested in analyzing…

  • Too Much of a Good Thing?

    by Jason Stotts I think the idea of “too much of a good thing” being bad is nonsense and it is based on an incorrect understanding of “good”. For Objectivism, for something to be “good,” it must promote the life of the agent. Good, for Objectivism, is not intrinsic, or by divine decree, or some…

  • Second Annual Objective Standard Essay Contest

    by Jason Stotts The Objective Standard is once again holding an essay contest on Atlas Shrugged.  Don’t miss out on a good opprotunity for fortune and fame, all through merely putting your pen to paper. ———————— In Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand dramatizes the principle that “there are no conflicts of interest among rational men, men…

  • Sex at Dawn

    by Jason Stotts I’ve recommended the book Sex at Dawn a number of times now, both in person and online.  It’s a very interesting book about the sexual history of the human species and I think it proves that humans are not naturally monogamous.  I highly, and enthusiastically, recommend it, even though it does contain…