Category: Atheism

  • “Modern Moral Philosophy” and the Lawgiver

    by Jason Stotts I recently read G. E. M. Anscombe’s “Modern Moral Philosophy” for the first time and I think that it is one of the most astute and important essays on ethics that I have ever read. In it, she has three major theses, but it is the second that is the most important…

  • Eros and Ethos Announcement

    by Jason Stotts After much agonizing over this decision, I’ve decided that I will be publishing Eros and Ethos, my forthcoming book on sexual ethics, as two separate volumes. Thus, instead of: Eros and Ethos: A New Theory and Application of Sexual Ethics It will be: Eros and Ethos: Volume 1, A New Theory of…

  • “None of That”

    by Jason Stotts Take a look at this very well-done little video. I think it perfectly captures the religious inclination to destroy all that glorifies man in order to appease their resentiment and hatred of human life.

  • Humor: Why You Are Circumcised

    by Jason Stotts YES! I’ve made these exact arguments over and over. Of course, the ultimate reason is the religious hatred of the body and sexuality, but this video still does an excellent job.

  • Stephen Fry on god

    by Jason Stotts Stephen Fry gives an amazing answer to a question about the christian god:

  • Nudity Now Legal in Munich

    by Jason Stotts Nudity has now been legalized in Munich Germany, which is Germany’s third largest city.  The city, in what I think is a reasonable compromise, designated six different areas around the city where nudity is permitted. Additionally, the city is very tolerating of nudity and has a tradition of what they call Freikörperkultur…

  • Porn Addiction?

    by Jason Stotts I’ve argued before that I don’t think porn addiction is a real thing (here and Erosophia Podcast #14 & #15).  I’ve also referenced Dr. Marty Klein’s essay on it.  But, here’s an angle that I haven’t pursued enough yet: why do people think they’re addicted to porn in the first place?  It turns out…

  • Merry Xmas!

    by Jason Stotts Merry Christmas everyone!