Category: Economics

  • Marxist Theory of Sexual Labor

    by Jason Stotts Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal has a new amazing comic that is not only hilarious, but also shows the absurdity of the Marxist theory of value creation through labor. In case you don’t know, Marx believed that value is created through labor.  So, for example, let’s say that you have a factory with…

  • Freedom and Tragedy: The Story of Les Miserables

    by Jason Stotts Note: this essay primarily deals with the story of Les Miserables as portrayed in the musical (and consequently film) version, but draws from the book to fill in the gaps in the story.  If you have not seen the film or read the book, you should wait to read this essay until…

  • I, Pencil: The Movie

    by Jason Stotts One of the things that I think people often fail to understand about markets is that literally every good is affected by every other.  A change in the price of oil will change the price of wool.  A regulation about coffee in Brazil will change the price of cars in America.  Everything…

  • Minimum Wage Laws

    by Jason Stotts This short video does a very good job of explaining the problem of minimum wage laws. One problem that it does not address is this: let’s say under market conditions you employ 100 low-level workers each for $1 per day.  In order to rectify this “social injustice” a minimum wage law is…

  • Gary Johnson

    by Jason Stotts I detest the politics is done in America today.  It is nothing but the pandering of vacuous politicians to pressure groups who can see no farther than their own desires and who are willing to enslave others to meet their myopic ends.  It is a race between a party who wants to…

  • Democide

    by Jason Stotts There is nothing more dangerous to a citizenry than its government.  Whether with “good intentions” or simply a lust for power, governments, particularly communist and socialist governments, kill their own citizens at an astounding rate. R. J. Rummel, Professor Emeritus at the Univerisity of Hawaii, says that: The bubonic plague that in…

  • Economic Evidence of Human Estrus?

    by Jason Stotts Someone sent me a link to this study “Ovulatory cycle effects on tip earnings by lap dancers: economic evidence for human estrus?” in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior.  The idea of which is to map earnings of strippers compared to their menstrual cycle to see if they can find strong correlations…

  • Global Warming Continues to Fall From Grace

    by Jason Stotts In yet another heavy blow to the AGW camp, the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) has announced that it is closing it’s doors.  According to the National Review Online: Global warming-inspired cap and trade has been one of the most stridently debated public policy controversies of the past 15 years. But it is…