Category: Sexual Orientation

  • Aporia: Sexual Orientation

    by Jason Stotts Aporia (Ancient Greek: ἀπορɛία: impasse; lack of resources; puzzlement; doubt; confusion) In philosophy, a philosophical puzzle or state of puzzlement;  In rhetoric, a rhetorically useful expression of doubt. Sexual orientation is a confusing subject.  So confusing that some people have taken to the idea that your sexual orientation is whatever you want it to be, that whatever you self-identify as…

  • Female Sexual Fluidity in the News

    by Jason Stotts NPR just ran a story about female sexual fluidity, a fairly new idea and one that is rather controversial.  The idea is that female sexual orientation is “fluid” in the sense that a woman can change her sexual orientation over time and this is just the way female sexuality is, it is…

  • Objectivism, Masculinity, Femininity, and Homosexuality: Initial Thoughts

    by Jason Stotts “For a woman qua woman, the essence of femininity is hero-worship—the desire to look up to man” ~ Ayn Rand In this essay I am going to present two views of masculinity and femininity: those of Ayn Rand and then my own. I will also present my reasons for my views and…

  • Formspring Question: Changing Sexual Orientation

    Q: Is there any way for someone to change his or her sexual orientation (ex. gay to straight)? A: This is another very difficult question.  The answer is yes and no. First, in order to understand whether this is possible, we need to understand what a sexual orientation is.  It is, in fact, a rather…

  • Kinsey and Sexual identity

    by Jason Stotts For those few of you who have never heard of him, Alfred Kinsey (1894-1956) was an American sex researcher and a pioneer in the field of sex research. He is best known for his two books “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male” (1948) and “Sexual Behavior in the Human Female” (1953). But,…