Tag: Donate

  • Birthdays and Gratitude

    by Jason Stotts My very first blog post was nearly 8 years ago on May 8th, 2005, meaning that Erosophia is about to turn eight. My own birthday is in exactly two weeks and I’ll be turning 30.  As far as birthdays go, 30 is an interesting one: you’re definitely an adult and have been for…

  • 725

    by Jason Stotts This is Erosophia’s 725th post.  Can you believe it?  I know I can’t.  When I first started blogging, I had no idea it would become a big part of my life.  It’s funny how what seems like a small decision can turn out to be momentous looking back. Anyway, this post isn’t…

  • Chicago Minicon

    by Jason Stotts I want to thank everyone who attended my lecture over the weekend at COSCon.  I hope that everyone found it interesting and engaging.  If you’re interested in further readings, I recommend starting with the following: 1. “Of Living Death,” The Objectivist.  Especially 530-531. (Or: The Voice of Reason, 46-63.) 2. “Francisco’s Sex Speech,” from Atlas Shrugged,…

  • ATLOSCon Speech

    by Jason Stotts I want to thank everyone who attended my lecture this morning.  I hope that everyone found it interesting and engaging.  If you’re interested in further readings, I recommend starting with the following: 1. “Of Living Death,” The Objectivist.  Especially 530-531. (Or: The Voice of Reason, 46-63.) 2. “Francisco’s Sex Speech,” from Atlas Shrugged,…

  • ATLOSCon Registration Live

    by Jason Stotts ATLOSCon registration has gone live!  If you want to see me speak live, and really, who doesn’t?, you’d better hurry over and sign up for my class before its registration fills. The Atlanta Objectivist Society is thrilled to announce that it’s time to register for our second annual conference, ATLOSCon!  The conference will be…

  • ATLOSCon or Bust (Update)

    by Jason Stotts I put up a call for readers to donate and help me pay for my plane ticket to speak at ATLOSCon this summer and so far the response has been great.  After only 10 days or so, I’ve already had people donate or commit to donating $95!  Since the ticket is $310,…

  • ATLOSCon or Bust

    by Jason Stotts As I announced when it happened, I will be one of the speakers at this Summer’s Atlanta Objectivist Society Conference (ATLOSCon).  I will, of course, be speaking on sexuality and it’s role in a human life.  The title of my talk, at least for now, is: “Sexual Ethics and Objectivism.”  The current…