Year: 2005

  • Be As you Are

    by Jason Stotts Another thing I saw in the San Diego Airport was a woman wearing a shirt that said “Be as you are”, which I though was an interesting philosophical claim worthy of investigation. I can only construe 2 readings of this, 1) the loose reading – “Be an individual” and 2) the literal…

  • On Value

    by Jason Stotts Recently I was having a discussion about value with someone and they claimed that value is just part of what a thing is – “Things are not valuable because we value them, they are valuable for what they are”, i.e. the claim is that value is intrinsic. Now, being the philosopher I…

  • On Purpose

    by Jason Stotts This summer has provided for me a chance for introspection that one rarely receives – I was able to more concretely identify one of my fundamental characteristics like I had never been able to do before. The characteristic I am talking about is Purpose. You see, this summer I wasn’t able to…