Year: 2009

  • Climategate?

    by Jason Stotts The Telegraph (UK) is reporting that a hacker has broken into the computers at Hadley CRU and has taken confidential data that allegedly shows that the team at Hadley doctored the evidence in favor of anthropogenic global warming and tried to keep skeptics from publishing papers to the contrary. I can’t wait…

  • Aporia: Can You Consent to Your Own Murder?

    by Jason Stotts I recently heard about the case of Armin Meiwes, a German man made famous after he was arrested in December of 2002 for eating Bernd Jurgen Brandes (who consented to both his murder and the eating of his body).  Meiwes was originally tried for manslaughter, although the case was later reopened and…

  • Sexual Etymology: Masturbation

    by Jason Stotts In a series I’m going to be calling “sexual etymology,” I’m going to explore the origins of some of the words that are in our sexual vocabulary.  I’m going to do this once a week or so.  If you have any requests, make them in the comments and I’ll add the word…

  • The Truth about Christianity

    by Jason Stotts I saw this poster on Tumblr (without attribution) and I couldn’t resist putting it up here. In case you can’t read the poster, it says: CHRISTIANITY: The belief that some cosmic Jewish Zombie can make you live forever if you eat his flesh and telepathically tell him that you accept him as…

  • Majority of Americans Against Governmental Healthcare

    by Jason Stotts In an amazing turn of events, and on the eve of the possibility of the governmental takeover of healthcare, the majority of Americans are now saying that they don’t want socialized medicine.  The news comes from the latest Gallup poll done on the issue of healthcare, which they release every November.  Even…

  • Eternal Recurrence

    by Jason Stotts Although I am a big fan of Nietzsche and I think he got many things right, I certainly do not endorse him entirely.  There is much to Nietzsche that just does not make sense.  As an example of this, he has a doctrine of “Eternal Return,” whereby he asserts that all that…

  • The Significance of the Fall

    by Jason Stotts As the United States continues its descent into socialism, I’d like to take a minute and remind everyone about the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall (11/9/09).  For those who don’t know (and I sincerely hope this is a null class), the Berlin Wall was the wall that separated…

  • XKCD Waxes Philosophical

    by Jason Stotts XKCD is the best webcomic out there.  If you have never checked it out, do it now! Personally, I’m not familiar with the contemporary personhood debates, but the analogical Lego argument seems convincing.