Driving While Shaving…

by Jason Stotts

In one of the best headlines ever, ABC is reporting that “Woman Crashes Car While Shaving Her Privates.

According to a startled Florida Highway Patrol trooper, Barnes was shaving her bikini area [vagina] while driving south on the famed Overseas Highway when she crashed into the rear of an SUV March 2.

In the police report obtained by ABC News, the trim job was apparently essential because the arresting officer, trooper Gary Dunick, said the Indiana native told him she was heading to Key West visit her boyfriend.[…]

It gets weirder. In order to pay full attention to her sensitive regions, police say Barnes enlisted her ex-husband, Charles Judy, who was riding shotgun, to hold the wheel.[…]

Their tag-team driving went awry when an SUV driving in front of them slowed to turn. Barnes’ 1995 Thunderbird smashed into it. Two of the SUV’s passengers suffered minor injuries, police say. Barnes shouldn’t have been driving that Thunderbird, since she had been convicted the previous day for driving under the influence and driving with a suspended license. [Emphasis added]

You just can’t make this up.






One response to “Driving While Shaving…”

  1. Debra Avatar

    Uh, like couldn’t the ex husband be in the driver’s seat driving while she did this. Oh yea, it wouldn’t work either. He’ll been to busy watching. Hope she didn’t want the boyfriend to know the ex was in there with her.