Announcement: Live Hangout on Google+

by Jason Stotts

I will be hosting a Google+ hangout tomorrow night at 6PM PST (9PM EST) for anyone wanting to ask me questions, discuss a subject related to sexuality, or generally have a good time. All are welcome and no RSVP is needed.

How often do you get to ask questions of a top sex-blogger for free?

G+ profile:

Facebook Event:

You can also like Erosophia on Facebook:

UPDATE: Several people have contacted me and said that they won’t be able to make the Hangout, but would still like to ask questions (the video will go on YouTube after the Hangout is over).  For anyone who wants a question answered but can’t make the Hangout, you can email me at Jason(at) or send me a tweet (@JStotts) and I’ll try to fit your question in.



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