Another Failure of Religion

by Jason Stotts

In case we need another example of the irrationality of religion, let’s take a look at this new study: “More Religious and Devout Young Women Have Abortions (Despite being Educated in Religious Schools).” Now, obviously the irrationality that I mean is that abstinence-only education does not work! These women have been indoctrinated to believe that their bodies are shameful and dirty, that sex is sin, and that human pleasure is the surest path to damnation in their hell. They are then told that they should suppress their natural sexual urges, without being educated about birth control, disease prevention, or the proper role of sex in life. Of course, they then go out and have sex and become pregnant, since no one has ever taught them about birth control! Since sex is the ultimate human shame and pregnancy would betray the fact that they are sexually active, they have abortions to hide the evidence.

Frankly, no one should be surprised by the findings. I also suspect that STD rates are higher among those who receive abstinence-only education since they would not be as likely to practice proper condom usage.

The only curious thing is how some people can think that religion is not anathema to human life. The evidence is abundant. (via Dawkins)



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