Chicago Minicon

by Jason Stotts

I want to thank everyone who attended my lecture over the weekend at COSCon.  I hope that everyone found it interesting and engaging.  If you’re interested in further readings, I recommend starting with the following:

1. “Of Living Death,” The Objectivist.  Especially 530-531. (Or: The Voice of Reason, 46-63.)

2. “Francisco’s Sex Speech,” from Atlas Shrugged, 453-455 (Or: For The New Intellectual, 98-101.)

3. Playboy Interview (Pamphlet).

4. “Philosophy and Sense of Life,” The Romantic Manifesto.

I also want to thank those of you who helped to fund my trip to Chicago.  For everyone else, there’s still plenty of time to donate!  I’m offering a copy of the extended version of the speech I read for anyone who donates at least $10 (more is appreciated, since travel isn’t free and the speaking was unpaid).  The extended version is about 25 pages, so there is a lot of material that you will find new, even if you took the class.  If you want to donate you can do so via PayPal by sending a payment to Jason(at) (inserting the obvious symbol), this can be done with PayPal or any credit card, or you can write me for other options.

Anyone who was at the conference and would like to ask follow-up questions, or who had questions that they didn’t get to ask, can also e-mail me and I’ll still answer your questions.  I answer all questions anonymously, so you don’t have to worry about your name being used.



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