Eros & Ethos: Paperback Launch

by Jason Stotts

Many people have been asking me about the paperback and I am delighted to announce that the paperback version of Eros & Ethos: A New Theory of Sexual Ethics is now available on Amazon!

This book is the product of a decade of work on my part and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. Seriously, it’s really good. Of course, you shouldn’t take my word for it, check it out for yourself.

Anyone who has ordered a special edition directly from me will be getting theirs soon. I have ordered quite a few copies and they have to ship to me first, then I’ll need to sign them and get them shipped out. I’ll update those people who have ordered special editions directly via email when their package ships.

Two things to note:

  1. Amazon tells me that the book may take up to 48hrs to appear in the different marketplaces (e.g.
  2. Amazon also informs me that it may take up to 72hrs for the paperback version and the ebook version to appear on the same sales page. This is important if you with to buy both as once they’re on the same sales page, you’ll have the option to buy the paperback and only pay $2.99 for the ebook.




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