Erosophia is Getting Popular

by Jason Stotts

When I started my blog all those years ago in 2005, when the internet was new and shiny, I never  thought that anyone would actually read it. I was writing mostly for myself; to vent, to ponder, and just for practice writing. Then, somehow, people just started reading what I was writing. I know I’m not a big blog by any means, but look at my new traffic stats:

Those are respectable numbers! Last month I nearly crested 7,000 unique viewers! This month, only 6 days into it, I’m already at 1,450 uniques: not a bad start to a month at all. I’m not sure why traffic is climbing so steadily, but I’m pretty happy about it.

I really need to get my posts on reddit and stumbleupon, but I hate taking the extra time to submit them myself and I don’t know of an automated way to do it (anyone interested in helping out with that? Email me at Jason(at)

In order to keep expanding and reaching new people with my message of a rational perspective on sexuality, I’m considering either starting a podcast or opening a new, possibly restricted, section of Erosophia, called “Erosophia Explicit” where I take on more explicit issues, offer practical sex advice, and generally be a little more NSFW than I’m comfortable being on Erosophia itself.

Ultimately, of course, I hope to use Erosophia to help launch the book I’m writing, Eros and Ethos: The Ethics of Modern Sex, a big update about which is nigh.

I want to know what you, my dear readers, think.  Leave me a comment or email me and let me hear from you.


