Giving Back to Erosophia

by Jason Stotts

Blogging takes a fair amount of time.  The better the essays are, the more time it takes.  Not that I’m complaining, I enjoy it.  It is for purely selfish reasons that I blog.  However, it is nice to get a little something back for our efforts.  This is where you come in.  Minimally, I’d appreciate you following Erosophia either here through Google connect (see sidebar to the right) or on Facebook.  If you have the time, the occasional comment is nice.  We really enjoy knowing that people are reading our essays and we enjoy the feedback.  If you want to take it up to the next level, you could consider donating to the “Erosophia Writing Fund” (see PayPal link in right sidebar).  This money helps us to keep writing and makes it easier for us to dedicate more time to write.  So far, we’ve only raised $10 (and that was all one person).

What may be surprising for you, though, is that what I really prefer is letters.  I love hearing from people that my blog posts have affected their lives for the better in some ways.  I usually hear from people about the sexual ethics posts (no one ever e-mails me about epistemology, for example).  I love knowing that my posts have, in some way, helped a person to come to terms with their sexuality, to expand their sexual horizons, or just help them be less repressed.  I recently got this letter from a reader:


I finally got round to your posts “On Pegging” and “On Pegging 2.” Gotta say, that’s some pretty good stuff. It’s your account of sexuality, of male and female sexuality as being an embodied man/woman, and of Role Reversal and Gender Challenging. I think the latter is important as part of one’s sexual development, and the former as an important part of day-to-day sexual life.

I’ve always wanted to try pegging and anal play (speaking as a hetero-male) just for pleasure alone, but with this philosophical analysis of it makes the whole prospect even more exciting and meaningful. Although I haven’t tried pegging, I did (unashamedly) go to a sex shop for the first time, and I bought myself a sex-toy for the express purpose of trying out what you had been talking about. I had thought about it, and knew about the whole prostate thing, but I always had a bit of lingering shame about it – hung up on that whole “Penetration/Penetrated = Masculine/Feminine” point you talked about.

Keep up the good work! As much as I like seeing various politicians and their policies get fisked, it is blogs such as yours and Rational Jenn‘s, about the application of Philosophy to Life, which are the highlight of my blogfeed.

– Anon.

Getting letters like this really make a big difference to me as a writer and make me want to write and publish more.  I really enjoy knowing that my work is making a positive difference in someone’s life.  If you want to write, you can e-mail me through the blog erosophia.blogspot (at) or, if you know us, e-mail us directly.  Right now, I don’t get many emails, so you’ll likely get a quick reply.

Do your part, give something back (to me).




