Male Contraception Moving Closer?

by Jason Stotts

In a recent Scientific American article, they discuss two new discoveries regarding fertilization of eggs and human seminal activity.  The discoveries are that 1) eggs are surrounded by cells that produce progesterone and that 2) progesterone activates a molecular channel in human sperm called CatSper which floods the sperm with calcium, causing them to become hyperactive.  The idea is, then, that this information could lead to a breakthrough for male contraception if they could find a way to disable the CatSper channel so the sperm would not become hyperactive and would, thus, have little to no chance of reaching the egg.  This does seem promising, but it’s likely a decade away before the research pans out and before they could try to pass through the asinine FDA testing.  So, for now, condoms are still the only reliable form of male birth control (besides more permanent measures).



