
by Jason Stotts

1. California Bans Gay-to-Straight “Therapy” for Minors

I don’t usually support laws like these, but “reparative therapy” is so obviously just religious indoctrination that it should not be allowed to be called science or legitimized in any way.  All studies dealing with gay to straight conversion have identified it as bunk.

2. We May Be Starting to Really Understand Breast Cancer

A new study has identified four different genetic strains of breast cancer.  This research should lead to much more effective treatments in the future.

3. Showtime’s Polyamory is Casting for Season Two

If you’re interested in being on a Showtime reality series about polyamory, check it out.

4. Marty Klein’s Recommendations for Rational Sexual Policy

This would be a really great start to rational sexual policy.







One response to “News”

  1. Coz Avatar

    Yikes, I still need to watch the first season of that showtime show. I’m falling behind! Thanks for the reminder.