The Obama DOJ and the War on Porn

by Jason Stotts

In a move that sounds like it should be coming from the Republican/Theocratic party, the Obama administration is targeting the bank accounts of porn stars and forcing banks to close them through a program they’re calling “operation choke point.”

This is a massive overreach (again) of the Obama administration and a flatly immoral use of governmental coercion to force banks to close accounts of those involved in porn. But, it’s not just porn, it’s also other “high risk” accounts that the government does not approve of…on the grounds of who knows what.

If we allow the government to tell us what kinds of things we should be allowed to do for work, what kinds of things we should be allowed to see, what kinds of things that we should be allowed to do, then we become slaves to the state. Of course, we shouldn’t violate other’s rights, but that’s not at issue here. This is nothing but another governmental power-grab.

We need to decide whether the government is our master or servant: the day is much later than you might think. If we keep allowing our two entrenched political parties to erode our rights in different areas, we shall soon have no rights at all and be left with nothing but edicts from the state, rules about what we are permitted to do, and taxes to support the leviathan.




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One response to “The Obama DOJ and the War on Porn”

  1. […] up for themselves, are porn and firearms.  I’ve already written about this in terms of porn (The Obama DOJ and the War on Porn), but what I want to point out today is something […]