Objectivist Blog Carnival

Welcome to the August 25, 2011 edition of the Objectivist Round Up.  I’m filling in this week as an emergency host, so forgive me for not sending out reminder e-mails earlier.

Today’s quote is brought to you from Nietzsche.  Although he and I understand it differently, he phrases it so beautifully:

Egoism is the very essence of a noble soul.

There is a beauty in the writing of Nietzsche that is all too lacking in many other philosophers.  It is a shame that there is not also more truth.

Without further ado, here is this week’s carnival!


Jared Rhoads presents Twead #14: Demonic posted at The Lucidicus Project, saying, “Demonic by Ann Coulter is our 14th twead. Get the highlights here.”

C.W. presents Inflation Watch: News! posted at Krazy Economy, saying, “There has been an up tick in the indicators. Take a look. What does it mean? Are we entering hyperinflation?”

Ross England presents The Great Circumcision Rant (Rated R) posted at Think Twice, saying, “I make my thoughts known regarding infant circumcision.”

Toby Selwyn presents Why Happiness Cannot Be the Standard for Morality posted at One for One, saying, “My explanation of the fallacy underlining all forms of utilitarianism.”

Jenn Casey and Kelly Elmore present Podcast #19: Let’s Talk about Sex posted at Cultivating the Virtues, saying, “Our latest podcast focuses on talking to kids about sex, how we’ve already handled this and how we plan to handle this in the future as our kids get older. Other topics on this podcast include taking time to teach kids what to do instead of fussing at them for making mistakes and dealing with rude behavior such as name-calling and sticking their tongues out.”

Rational Jenn presents The One About the Lemonade Stand posted at Rational Jenn, saying, “All about our lemonade stand business for Lemonade Freedom Day!”

Diana Hsieh presents Campaign Finance Hurts the Small Political Activists Most posted at NoodleFood, saying, “A study by Colorado’s Secretary of State shows that small political activists suffer most under campaign finance regulations.”

Kris presents How much sugar per day for weight loss and optimal health posted at Kris Health Blog, saying, “An article about how much sugar per day for weight loss and optimal health. I believe that sugar is the primary cause of obesity and poor health.”

Santiago and Kelly Valenzuela presents Marxist Economics in the Immigration Debateposted at Mother of Exiles, saying, “Santiago writes about Marxism from Conservatives in the immigration debate.”

Paul Hsieh presents How to Stop Doctors From “Going Galt” posted at We Stand FIRM, saying, “The Obama administration has figured out how to stop doctors from retiring early in response to ObamaCare!”

Zip presents No Tribute for Layton posted at UNCOMMON SENSE, saying, “Think about it, the act of being tenacious or determined or passionate is not a virtue in and of itself. It is the idea behind the drive that matters more.”

Joshua Lipana presents Cheers to Big Tobacco for Defending Itself posted atThis is Joshua Speaking.

David C Lewis, RFA presents Social Security or Social Insecurity | Twin Tier Financialposted at A Revolution In Financial Planning, saying, “A brief discussion of the insecurity of Social Security.”

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of objectivist round up using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.


