Objectivist Round Up

Welcome to the April 22, 2010 edition of Objectivist Round Up and the first Round Up that has been hosted here, on the new Erosophia!

I want to remind everyone that today is “Earth Day” and so we should all do our part to make the world a little less habitable for humans…hmm, just realized I’m a human.  Well, that’s awkward.  Okay, since that sounds like a bad idea when you call it what it is, instead go and check out Craig Biddle’s Exploit the Earth or Die campaign at the Objective Standard’s website.


Kim presents Toddler & Preschool Activity: Aluminum Foil Fun posted at Kim’s Play Place, saying, “Just a little activity to help along those early childhood skills.”

Joseph Kellard presents Tea Party – A Year Later posted at The American Individualist, saying, “I crossed paths with my childhood friend, Laura, who is now one of my Facebook friends, who told me that I had inspired her to read Atlas Shrugged, which she called ‘amazing.’ That’s always satisfying to hear, since that’s my main purpose for attending these tea parties, one of which I spoke at last year.”

Edward Cline presents Asserting States’ Rights: A Turf War posted at The Rule of Reason, saying, “ObamaCare passed against the wishes of most Americans, in defiance of the Constitution, in a wholesale negation of individual rights. That is representative democracy in action. Hardly the leitmotif of a rights-protecting republic.”

C.W. presents WE CANNOT IGNORE OBAMA’S ATTACK ON BANKS posted at Krazy Economy, saying, “The financial industry is central to the health of our economy and, of course, Obama is attacking it, nearly unopposed. As Yaron Brook said, now is the time to resist, and keeping our economy healthy is vital.”

Ari Armstrong presents Tax Day Tea Party: Denver 2010 posted at Free Colorado, saying, “What do the Tea Partiers really believe? I thought I’d just ask them. See also a video contrasting the tone of the Denver Tea Party with that of a left-wing protest across the street.”

John Drake presents Value-dense life posted at Try Reason!, saying, “Inspired by Diana Hsieh’s value-dense buying post, I expand on the principle by applying value-dense selection of activities to all life’s choices.”

Stella presents ObamaCare adds headaches to doctors’ days posted at ReasonPharm, saying, “As if it weren’t bad enough that ObamaCare will enslave doctors, now doctors have to spend time they could use on more productive pursuits, explaining what the law means to their patients.”

Rachel Miner presents Autobiographical (Episodic) Memory posted at The Playful Spirit, saying, “I attended a class on this topic and summarize some of the key aspects along with an idea it spurred for me that I’m very excited about implementing. While we can’t integrate experiences for our kids, we can provide a nurturing environment that focuses on their successes and helps them form a positive view of themselves.”

David C Lewis, RFA presents Socially Responsible Investing: The Ideology Behind “Green” Investments posted at A Revolution In Financial Planning.

Rational Jenn presents MiniCon 2010 Update, Part Two posted at Rational Jenn, saying, “We have updated information on this summer’s “MiniCon” in Atlanta! If you’re not going to OCON, consider spending Independence Day Weekend here in Atlanta with fellow Objectivists! And if you think you’re really coming, please take a few minutes to complete our pre-registration form. Thanks.”

Diana Hsieh presents Explore Atlas Shrugged, Session 14 posted at Explore Atlas Shrugged, saying, “My long-overdue podcast and discussion questions for ‘Explore Atlas Shrugged,’ Session 14 of 20.”

Jenn Casey and Kelly Elmore present Cultivating the Virtues Podcast #1 posted at Cultivating the Virtues, saying, “Kelly and Jenn are pleased to announce the release of the first Cultivating the Virtues podcast! This is our introductory podcast, and in future podcasts we’ll be exploring parenting ideas in a little more depth. CTV focuses on parenting and Objectivism, with a particular focus on Positive Discipline techniques. Thanks for listening!”

Lynne Bourque presents Statism vs. Capitalism posted at 3 Ring Binder, saying, “Where many smart and well-meaning people get confused is with the difference between political power and economic power.”

Sandi Trixx presents Greens Want Cake and to Eat it, Too posted at Sandi Trixx, saying, “In honor, er, I mean horror, of Earth Day”

C. August presents Flexible Tactics, Integrated Strategy, Inflexible Purpose posted at Titanic Deck Chairs, saying, “Some inspirational words from John Lewis’ book, ‘Nothing Less than Victory’.”

Francis Luong (Franco) presents My Comment to Anne Heller on her post “Why I Am Not an Objectivist” posted at Just Add Rationality, saying, “When I read this passage, I see it as her recognition of the best that man is capable of and that no number of evil or flawed men can take that idea away from her. In effect, she is saying that it is not the proportion of good men to bad men that should make you judge men as inherently evil and that you can’t judge human nature by a statistical impression.”

Francis Luong (Franco) presents Money Quote: Peikoff on Egalitarianism posted at Just Add Rationality, saying, “Thoughts and Transcriptions from my listening to the 2007 Lecture of the DIM Hypothesis.”

Joe Stallings presents Home-runs and Global Warming posted at Shrugged101.

Trey Givens presents Physics Needs New Terminology posted at Trey Givens, saying, “I find it annoying when people cite physics as an example of how contradictions can and do exist. Obviously, someone needs to check their premises. I’m willing to grant a certain benefit of the doubt to physics, but a couple of people made some good comments about the underlying philosophical corruption in some of the sciences. Check out my post and add your own thoughts!”

Sandi Trixx presents FCC: Catalyst for Innovation? posted at Sandi Trixx, saying, “”Light regulatory touch” is oxymoronic.”

Earl Parson presents Environmental Envy: The Manhatta Project posted at Creatures of Prometheus, saying, “A bunch of environmentalists spent 10 years re-creating, in detail, what Manhattan looked like before the Europeans arrived. If that’s not the hatred of the good for being the good, I don’t know what is.”

Doug Reich presents Goldman!! “Two Minutes Hate” posted at The Rational Capitalist, saying, “Analysis of the SEC’s flimsy fraud case against Goldman Sachs reveals the government’s true motive: the creation of an Orwellian Goldstein character to foment public outrage and garner support for more financial regulation”

Paul McKeever presents New Full-length Documentary Argues Extradition of Marc Emery Would Violate Canada’s Extradition Act posted at Paul McKeever, saying, “although it might not seem like it, this movie is one for the Objectivists. If you liked Peter Schwartz’s “Libertarianism: The Perversion of Liberty”, you’ll probably like this movie…which took 17 months to complete….sorry, if I’ve been too absent for your taste. Cheers, Paul.”

Doug Reich presents Celebrate Exploit the Earth Day with some Recycled Posts posted at The Rational Capitalist, saying, “Wednesday, April 21, 2010 Celebrate Exploit the Earth Day with some Recycled Posts In keeping with my tradition started last year on Exploit the Earth Day, I will recycle what I consider to be my favorite posts over the past year that deal with the anti-human religion of environmentalism.”


That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of objectivist round up using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

A note to submitters: if you submit something that is not philosophical in nature, it will not appear when I host the round up (this includes recipes).

Technorati tags: objectivist round up, blog carnival.





4 responses to “Objectivist Round Up”

  1. […] Objectivist Bloggers’ Carnival tweetmeme_url = 'http://treygivens.com/?p=1316';tweetmeme_source = 'TreyPeden';It’s up over at Erosophia! […]

  2. Jenn Casey Avatar

    Thanks for hosting the carnival this week! :o)

  3. […] it is, the Objectivist Round Up, hosted by […]

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