Referenced by The Pew Research Center

by Jason Stotts

I just found out that my piece “There’s no G-Spot??” on the old Erosophia was referenced by The Pew Research Center as representative of the reaction of the blogosphere to the King’s College study that found that there was no g-spot…as self-reported by 1800 women.

British Study

The experiment that led scientists at King’s College to determine that the concept of an erogenous G-spot may be a figment of women’s imagination “encouraged by magazines and sex therapists” consisted of interviews with 1,800 women that were all pairs of twins. The researchers hypothesized that if the G-spot was genetic, there would be more agreement between the pairs of identical twins about whether they had one when compared with non-identical twins.

Some bloggers took a clinical look at the study and disputed the science.

“The study did not actually involve any science, but merely asked respondents to self report whether they thought they had a g-spot.” concluded Jason at Erosophia. “From the self-reports of only 1800 women … the researchers can now say that such a spot must be a myth, or else these women would have known about it. Frankly, it is a shame that this kind of thing passes for science.” (

I’m really excited that they picked Erosophia and I’m pretty happy that my pieces are getting out there and being read by all sorts of people.






One response to “Referenced by The Pew Research Center”

  1. Francis Luong (Franco) Avatar

    That is pretty sweet.