Sex Geekdom LA

by Jason Stotts

I’m going to be out of town for this meeting, but I’ve been to a couple now and they’re a lot of fun.  If you’re interested in having good conversations with other people who are into sex and sexuality, then this is the place to be.

LA Sex geeks! The next Sex Geekdom LA is coming up fast! Our next get-together is at Barbarella Bar on Friday, January 4th at 7pm.

Do you identify as a “sex geek” or “sex nerd”? Then come join us for and evening of drinks and sex geek conversation.

You don’t have to work in the field of sexuality, just have a passion for it. Bring a friend, a coworker or anyone interested in a fun sex positive evening. Please share this invite with anyone who might be interested in joining us.

You can also check out for more info, join our online community and learn about the #sexgeekdom events that have been running in Melbourne and Sydney.


