Spiritual Fuel

by Jason Stotts

I don’t get a lot of letters or notes from Erosophia.  When I do, they’re often critical.  Unfortunately, in our culture, we tend to be much more likely to write the negative note than the positive one.  But sometimes I get really great letters that remind me of why what I do is important.  I often can’t share these because of personal details, but this one was one I wanted to share:

Congratulations on the book writing! I’ve been kind of a lurker seeing you post about it. That’s really something.

I just wanted to say that I am excited for it and I can’t wait to read it. There are lots of us out here who care and are interested in your work but don’t communicate with you regularly.

It is hard to keep up with everyone in a real and personal way, but i have followed, or “tracked” as I like to think of FB, your posts lately and I’ll be among to first to read your book when it is out. I learned a lot from you and luckily the modern media age allows me to tell you that in a good context of your soon-to-come major accomplishment.

I really appreciate people reaching out to me and know that it does make a difference to me when you do so.


