Tag: Love

  • Mature Love

    by Jason Stotts I saw this series of illustrations earlier and I think it makes a very powerful point: mature love isn’t desperate, mature love is creating a life together through little moments and many choices. While in our culture we are very entrenched in the paradigm of desperate longing (a la Romeo and Juliet),…

  • Question from a Reader

    by Jason Stotts I get lots of emails from readers asking for advice.  I always try to at least give them some kind of response and recently we’ve been answering questions on the podcast as well.  Most of the time I respond and never hear from the person again.  Sometimes we correspond for a while.…

  • On Polysexuality (Revised)

    by Jason Stotts   Summary: Our language related to sex must be expanded to capture all of the variations that we see in real life.  And we need to understand this because sex is good and a valuable part of a human life.  The way we structure our relationships and sex lives has a lot of optionality…

  • On Companionate Marriages

    by Jason Stotts There are lots of different kinds of marriages, and I don’t just mean same-sex marriages, poly-marriages, and other “non-traditional” marriages.  There are different ways to have just “regular” old marriages between two people.  One kind of marriage is a romantic marriage where two partners intertwine their lives and share a high level…

  • On Valentine’s Day

    by Jason Stotts Some people think that Valentine’s Day is not a real holiday; that it is simply a “Hallmark Holiday,” constructed to bring in money for cards.   They think that they shouldn’t have to show their love on just one day and as long as their partner knows that they love them throughout the…

  • Review: The Selfish Path to Romance

    by Jason Stotts I don’t do a lot of book reviews here on Erosophia, it’s not because I don’t read much, in fact I read several books a month, but rather that most books that I read while good, are either not worth putting the effort into reviewing or are so horribly mixed that it’s…

  • On Valentine’s Day

    by Jason Stotts Some people think that Valentine’s Day is not a real holiday; that it is simply a “Hallmark Holiday,” constructed to bring in money for cards.   They think that they shouldn’t have to show their love on just one day and as long as their partner knows that they love them throughout the…

  • Same-Sex Marriage

    by Jason Stotts The thing that many people forget about same-sex marriage is that it’s…just marriage. Marriage should be about love and love takes many forms.