TSA Encourages Child Molestation

by Jason Stotts

One overlooked problem, among oh so many, with the TSA new “protect via sexual assault” policy is that it will encourage child molestation.  An article on Raw Story (I’m not actually familiar with this website) quotes child abuse expert Ken Wooden on the dangers of the new TSA policy:

Telling a child that they are engaging in a game is “one of the most common ways” that sexual predators use to convince children to engage in inappropriate contact.

This is pretty obvious.  If an adult is able to touch a child’s genitals in public, because it’s part of “a game,” then why would the child object to being touched in private by another adult?  After all, the genital touching is just “a game.”

The TSA is so odious I can’t believe that it could ever exist in the country brought into existence by the Founding Fathers.  Jefferson is certainly rolling over in his grave.

“All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” ~ Thomas Jefferson


