Year: 2012

  • Random Facts #2: Merkins

    by Jason Stotts Think you know every strange fact about sex there is to know?  Well, have you ever heard of merkins? A merkin is a pubic wig whose use dates back at least as far as the fifteenth century, according to wikipedia, which says: The Oxford Companion to the Body dates the origin of…

  • Objectivist Blog Carnival

    by Jason Stotts Welcome to the June 21, 2012 edition of Objectivist Round Up! This is the last time Erosophia will host as the Carnival as we know it is ending.  I want to thank Jenn for her efforts with it over the years and to all of my fellow contributors and hosters who have…

  • News

    by Jason Stotts 1. Republican Party Parodies Itself. In what seems like it could only be a cruel parody of the Republican party, a representative in Michigan is being censured for daring to use the word “vagina” in a debate about…abortion.  You know, a medical procedure that involves a woman’s pudenda, unmentionables, and shameful parts.…

  • 725

    by Jason Stotts This is Erosophia’s 725th post.  Can you believe it?  I know I can’t.  When I first started blogging, I had no idea it would become a big part of my life.  It’s funny how what seems like a small decision can turn out to be momentous looking back. Anyway, this post isn’t…

  • On Purpose

    by Jason Stotts It’s interesting to me that one’s purpose in life is such an integral part of it, but for many people is completely opaque to them. It forms the core of who we are and how we live. It structures our life and gives us focus. Yet, there is really little to no…

  • Question: Marriage without Attraction

    by Jason Stotts Here’s an interesting question submitted by a reader recently: Can you base a decision on marriage without sexual attraction and only because you like the persons values and character and for the things he has done for you? Would this marriage last ? I think the answer is obvious: sure, you could,…

  • ATLOSCon 2012 Recap

    by Jason Stotts As you probably know, I’ve been on vacation for roughly the last week in Atlanta for ATLOSCon 2012.  It was a great experience like last year and I had a really good time reconnecting with old friends and getting to know some new people. Thursday night was the opening banquet and I…

  • ATLOSCon 2012

    by Jason Stotts The Atlanta Objectivist Society’s Mini-Conference ATLSOCon is coming up in just a couple of days and I’m really excited to be going again and presenting not only a class during ATLSOCon proper, but also a special workshop on practical sexual techniques (no, it’s not an orgy).  If you haven’t already registered, you should…