Erosophia Podcast #4: Circumcision


In this episode of the newly relaunched Erosophia Podcast, Jason, William, Devin, and Joia talk about circumcision.


1. Rape case in Ohio

2. Kansas’s Strip Clubs

3. Sentencing of the “Cannibal Cop”

Follow-Up Questions

“Do you think that there certain sex acts, or certain aspects of sex acts, that are naturally dominant and submissive? I think there’s an extent to which putting someone’s sex organs in your mouth, or accepting a penis into your anus or between your breasts, or (especially) having someone ejaculate onto your face are acts that are by their very nature submissive acts.

I would be very interested to hear/read more discussion as to whether I am right that acts such as these are by their nature dominant/submissive, and the implications of this on gender roles and sexuality. For example, we know that Ayn Rand’s depiction of heterosexual relationships in her fiction is very focused on a male dominant/female submissive type of relationships, and I know that you do not entirely agree with this idea, but is there anything to be made of the fact that most of the acts I listed above would follow that male dominant/female submissive pattern in a heterosexual relationship?”

Books referenced: Greek Homosexuality by K. J. Dover.

If you want to ask a question, contact us at or on twitter via @ErosPod.

Tonight’s Big Topic: Circumcision

Tonight we talk about circumcision and whether it could be moral and if it should be legal.

Books referenced: Sex at Dawn by Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jetha

Essay referenced: Objectivism, Masculinity, Femininity, and Homosexuality: Initial Thoughts

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2 responses to “Erosophia Podcast #4: Circumcision”

  1. […] been busy getting the podcast together and getting ready for another interview with Radically Candid today.  However, I want […]

  2. […] 9. Erosophia Podcast #4: Circumcision […]